BOOKMARK: How much do they make? Analysis of H-1B Tech Salaries

This report by Kiran Dhillon was posted on TechCrunch, and provides keen insight on the rising salaries offered to tech H-1B applicants. Her data and analysis are so good, we are bookmarking it here on the Visawolf blog for easy future reference.

A few of the highlights:

  • Median salaries offered to H-1B applicants for some of the biggest tech companies are over $100k, and rising
  • Facebook offers the highest median salary of the focus companies, over $130k
  • In 2014, about 7,000 H-1B applicants were offered salaries over $200k
  • Of the five focus employers, Apple, Inc. had the most success getting applications certified: 92.6%

These numbers should clearly dispel the myth that the H-1B program is all about exploitation of cheap foreign labor. U.S. Citizens are not being shut out of jobs by lower paid tech workers.
Visawolf works with tech visa applicants and tech companies like these every day. The H-1B visa program brings additional scientific and technical expertise to US companies, and boosts our economy.

View the full article here:
Link to TC Article